
“Conceptualism aside romantic intensity, humorous and dramatic suggestions (including aspects of the couple relationships) expressed by cultural elements (like jazzy sounds or medieval allusions) compose the prominent identity of Diana Rotaru’s work.” (Elena Maria Șorban,, 2018)


“In this music [the chamber opera În trup / In Body] I only felt a profound suffering, which had a revelatory effect on me: this one has to be THE feminine music – which I was not only looking for as a researcher, but also living it in my depth, as a woman in pain.” (Elena Maria Șorban,, 2017)


“And lastly, as we had started from the Enescian hypnosis, are they not the enchanting and ever changing waters (…) that Diana Rotaru ripples, as a white priestess, in Verde (…) – are they not the potions and caresses and sonic earthquakes woven into this piece, are they not one of the most representative aesthetic incarnations of that state of lucid dreaming in the search of which the composer has declared herself to be completely engaged into, thus placing herself under the same emotional stars that had fed Enescu’s hypnagogic lyrism?” (Vlad Văidean, Actualitatea Muzicală / Music Topicality Magazine No. 8, August 2017)


“Present time makes available a huge palette of expressive means to contemporary composers. Diana Rotaru has demonstrated a rare capacity of selection and authentic combination from those means, the result being a “modern” music where the principle of consonance seems to gain a new dimension.” (Irina Nițu Stănescu, Actualitatea Muzicală / Music Topicality Magazine No.10, October 2007)


“…Diana Rotaru’s Gothic Hallucinations. The sonic experience, at least for me, did envelop both eerie nightmarish states as well as strong, forthright moments that brought me back to the real world. This oscillation between these opposite spectrums allowed for a wonderfully structured work that engages from start to finish. I think out of all the pieces in this anthology, and there are seventeen of them, this is by far my favourite and one I have come back to on several occasions.” (Joel Crotty – “Romanian Women Composers 2” CD review, 2006)